I'm sure everyone was as devastated as I was when Domino magazine dissappeared along with other shelter publications. Luckily, Michelle Adams and her crew have come to our rescue with Lonny, a shelter publication exclusively on the web. Lonny has easy to zoom pages with links to products and resources they feature, with one-click one can go directly to sites to purchase items.
The premier issue is such a treat, featuring some of the best design experts in the biz. I could definitely live in Kate Simpson's, former Sr. Market Editor of the late domino mag., beach house, or Eddie Ross, Top Design reality show, and Jaithab Kochar country cottage, or the amazing home of Deborah Needleman, the former domino's Editor In Chief. Please check out Lonny magazine; I promise you will love it as much as I do! I'm so excited for future issues!
Here are some of my favorite pics from the 1st issue:

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