Tuesday, October 20, 2009

defiant to the hands-free ear-piece

Okay, I'm a total genius! Just kidding, but necessity births ingenuity. Let me explain...due to the recent (July '09) law prohibiting talking on a cell phone while driving via the passe hand to ear method, in addition to my protest of having to pay upwards of $80 for a quality ear-piece, on top of the fact that I should be exempt from the law based on my superior multitasking skills and ability to drive safely while carrying on a conversation. I would also like to argue that any quality hands-free ear-piece is far too expensive for me to purchase in the current economic climate, food is somehow taking priority. Also, I'm finding it difficult to not make phone calls or not receive them, while driving...so, drum roll please....the "scarf satchel"! Bam! This is what I developed while running errands and driving to work this morning. While trying to get creative with the law and placing my phone on my arm while driving and talking via speaker phone I realized I was wearing a scarf and sat it in the cowl of my scarf and it was perfect! I didn't have to yell, didn't have an annoying ear-piece, and was obeying the law--best of all worlds!

Sorry for all of the exclamation points, but it was very exciting to finally resolve this recurring dilemma. So if you relate with my defiance of the law or ear-pieces, please try-out the "scarf satchel", it's free accompanied by your favorite scarf.


  1. Love it! Where can I buy one? How much? What color? Are you in the process of getting it patented?

  2. simply place your phone against the side of your head next to your ear and wrap duct tape around your head a few times, firmly fixing your phone next to your ear... brilliant! No hands free needed.


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