A fresh perspective on art, life, & fashion.
Sometimes I find it strange how impressionable I am, or maybe how easily God speaks to me through something as simple as a movie. This evening I watched A Good Year with my mom and it reminded me how much I long for that life. There is this strange deep yearning for a life filled with the simple joys and pleasures of good conversations, good food, good ambiance, good views, good stories, good times. A bit slower than how I’ve grown up. No expectations for equivalence or extravagance….just living life with people you love.
This is a wine induced jot, either in a state of complete honesty at the core of my being or the projection of the idealization of the movie in my mind…either way, in this moment I think it might be the most wonderful thing to uproot my life for an adventure abroad, living in a villa on a vineyard in Provence. There was something so inspiring, energizing after finishing that movie. All I want to do is read, discuss human nature, life, God, etc. and lay by the pool all day, drink red wine and eat good cheese and walk around the vineyard at dusk, while hearing grandiose stories that could only in part be true, all the while French love songs serenading the soundtrack of my life.