New York...the first thing I noticed when I ventured out of our B&B to roam the streets of the city was a strong scent of cologne that wafted with each new crisp breeze; it was inviting and seductive, not over-powering like the perfume counters in a department store.

As I soon caught up with the pace of the city, my stride became like steps in a dance, deliberate and in time with the rest of the inhabitants.
My favorite neighborhood would have to be Greenwich Village--I could roam around here all day and window shop and pop into a cafe for a coffee refuge to rest my feet and perk my energy. It's hard to describe the feeling you get when you combine such old buildings, quaint streets, unique boutiques, a diverse population, the welcoming feeling of home, with the smells of coffee, cigarettes, and a je nous se qua sweetness.
Here are some of my photos from the trip, enjoy!
Central Park.
Time Square.
Bree & I in Greenwich Village.
great photos, especially of Greenwich village. named after the area in London (of course) which is also a really cool area you should see next time you visit.